
EU General Court T-57/11: Aid to Spanish coal power plants granted in order to ensure a secure supply of electricity in Spain is compatible with EU rules on State aid

Click here to see the relevant article as published in Energypress.

Revisions on Capacity Assurance Mechanism risk facing illegal state aid charges, troika says

Click here to see the relevant article as published in Energy Press.

Speech of Dr. A. Metaxas, Chairman of the Hellenic State aid Institute in the conference "Modernisation of the Normative Framework of State aid Control-Challenges for the Greek Public Administration"

In order to watch the speech, please click below.

1rst part here

2nd part here

3rd part here

Dr. A.Metaxas: State aid shaping new energy market environment

Click here to see the relevant article as published in Energy Press.

Conference Announcement

Modernisation of the Normative Framework of State aid Control - Challenges for the Greek Public Administration" on 13/11/2014, 09.00-16.30. The Conference will take place in the auditorium "Giannos Kranidiotis"  1, Akadimias Str. Athens

Read more ...
  • Metaxas, A. / Pernice, I., Europa in der Krise, Zwichen Recht und Politik, I. Sideris, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2015
  • Metaxas, A. (eds.) / Grigoriou P., State aid, Regional Development and EC Legal Framework in European Governance and European Regions, Ant. N. Sakkoulas, Athens - Komotini, 2006
  • Metaxas, A., Member State liability for Judicial Breaches of EC-Law, Sakkoulas, Athens-Thessaloniki, 2005
  • Metaxas, A., European Law Issues: State Aid - Telecommunications - Public Contracts - EC Procedural Law: Recent Case-law of the ECJ - Critical Analysis, Ant. N. Sakkoulas, Athens-Komotini, 2004
  • Metaxas, A., Grundfragen des europäischen Beihilferechts: Beihilfebegriff--Aufsichtsverfahren--Rechtsschutzmöglichkeiten für Konkurrenten des Beihilfeempfängers, Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden and Ant. N. Sakkoulas, Athens-Komotini, 2003
  • Metaxas, A., The concept of State Aid according to Article 87 (1) EC: Compensatory Public Measures in favour of undertakings entrusted with the operation of services of General Economic Interest and the EC Control Mechanism of State Aid, Published in the Series Library of Legal Theory and Practice, Prof. Spyridakis, I. S. (ed.), Ant. N. Sakkoulas, Athens-Komotini, 2003
  • Metaxas A./Makri Pan., Case T-150/2012 - or - in a nutshell: What not to invoke in State Aid Cases, EStAL Vol.4, pp 741-746, 2014 (pdf)
  • Metaxas A., Rescue and Restructuring Aid to Firms in Difficulty, 23rd Congress of Greek Commercialists, Nomiki Vivliothiki,2014
  • Metaxas A./Nicolaides Ph., Asymmetric Tax Measures and EU State Aid Law: The “Special Solidarity Levy” on Greek Producers of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources, EStAl Vol.1, pp 51-60, 2014
  • Metaxas, A., Legal Commentary of Art. 101-109 TFEU, in: Christianos, V. (ed.), TEU and TFEU - Commentary, Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2012
  • Metaxas, A., Introduction to EU State Aid Law, in: Hellenic State Aid Institute, EU State Aid Law: Basic Normative Texts, Commented Edition, Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2011
  • Metaxas, A., EU Competition Policy, in: Kalavros, G./ Georgopoulos, Th., EU Law, Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2010
  • Metaxas, A./ Sgouridou, E., Chapter on Greece, in: Nemitz, P. F. (ed.), STATE AID: The effective application of EU state aid procedures: From a plan to grant aid to the recovery of illegal aid - the role of national law and practice, FIDE National Reports, Kluwer Law International, 2006-2007
  • Metaxas, A., "Selectivity of Assymetrical Tax Measures and Distortion of Competition in the Telecoms Sector. Analysis of the legality of the duty imposed in Greece on mobile network operators' subscribers under EU State Aid Rules", European State Aid Law Quarterly (EStAL), Vol. 4, 2010
  • Metaxas, A., "Recovery of Illegal State Aid: The role of the National Judge in State Aid Control System",Dikaio Epixeiriseon kai Etairion (DEE), Issue 8-9, 2009
  • Metaxas, A., "Recovery Obligation and the limits of National Procedural Autonomy", European State Aid Law Quarterly (EStAL), Volume 6, No.2, 2007
  • Metaxas, A., "State Liability for Judicial Breaches of EC Law: Towards a further "europeanization" of National Administrative Law", Europoliteia, Issue 2, 2007
  • Metaxas, A., "State Aid, Regional Development and EC Legal Framework", in: Gregoriou, P. / Metaxas A. (eds.), European Governance and European Regions, Ant. N. Sakkoulas, 2006
  • Metaxas, A., "State Financing of Services of General Economic Interest (SGEI): Basic Principles and Open Questions", Energy and Law, Issue 2, 2004
  • Metaxas, A., "Recovery of Illegal State Aid: The legal problem and the relevant Cas-law of the ECJ", Review of Public Law and Administrative Law, Issue March, 2003
  • Metaxas, A., "Extension of the recovery obligation of Illegal State Aid: The latest practice of the European Commission and the relevant Case-law of the ECJ", Review of Public Law and Administrative Law, Issue September, 2003
  • Metaxas, A., "The notion of state aid according to Article 87 (1) EC: Compensatory public measures in favour of undertakings entrusted with the operation of services of General Economic Interest and the EC control echanism of State Aid", Nomiko Vima, Athens Bar Association, Issue 51rst, 2003
  • Metaxas, A., "State Aid, Tax Measures and Distortion of Competition in the Telecoms Sector", Efimerida Dioikitikou Dikaiou, Issue January-February, 2011
  • Metaxas, A., "Financing Projects through Funds of the Third Community Support Framework Operational Programs", Public Procurement & State Aid Law Review, Issue 1-3, 2006
  • Metaxas, A., "State Aid and participation in Projects of the Third Community Support Framework Operational Programs", Public Procurement & State Aid Law Review, Issue 3/2004
  • Metaxas, A., "State Aid and EU Structural Funds", Public Procurement & State Aid Law Review, Issue October, 2004