
EU General Court T-57/11: Aid to Spanish coal power plants granted in order to ensure a secure supply of electricity in Spain is compatible with EU rules on State aid

Click here to see the relevant article as published in Energypress.

Revisions on Capacity Assurance Mechanism risk facing illegal state aid charges, troika says

Click here to see the relevant article as published in Energy Press.

Speech of Dr. A. Metaxas, Chairman of the Hellenic State aid Institute in the conference "Modernisation of the Normative Framework of State aid Control-Challenges for the Greek Public Administration"

In order to watch the speech, please click below.

1rst part here

2nd part here

3rd part here

Dr. A.Metaxas: State aid shaping new energy market environment

Click here to see the relevant article as published in Energy Press.

Conference Announcement

Modernisation of the Normative Framework of State aid Control - Challenges for the Greek Public Administration" on 13/11/2014, 09.00-16.30. The Conference will take place in the auditorium "Giannos Kranidiotis"  1, Akadimias Str. Athens

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The Conference "Modernisation of the Normative Framework of State aid Control - Challenges for the Greek Public Administration" took place on 13/11/2014, from 09.00 to 16.30, in the auditorium "Giannos Kranidiotis"  1, Akadimias Str. Athens and was organised by the Hellenic State Aid Institute (HSAI) in cooperation with the State Aid Central Unit of the Greek Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Centre of International and European Economic Law (CIEEL) - State Aid Unit.

For further information, click here for the Agenda.

In order to watch the speech of Dr.A.Metaxas, Chairman of the Hellenic State Aid Institute, please click below.


1rst part here

2nd part here

3rd part here

The multi-conference Capital & Vision took take place in Hilton Hotel Athens, on 28-30 September 2012, under the auspices of the German-Greek Chamber of Commerce. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (,  Hellenic State Aid Institute ( together with Law Firm Metaxas & Associates ( organized a Roundtable Session on: “The role of RES in a new development model” with keynote speakers the German Deputy Labor Minister Hans-Joachim Fuchtel and the Greek Deputy Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, Mr N. Mitarachi.